Our Purpose
Our Purpose
The purpose of the church is to glorify God by Fulfilling the Great commandment Matthew 22:36-40 and the Great commission Matthew 28:18-20. We apply these truths by Loving God Passionately and Loving People Practically.
We are, therefore, engaged in the preaching of the Gospel, the witnessing of our Christian faith and experience, the education and spiritual enrichment of the fellowship, the ministry of benevolent services, and the establishing of God’s Kingdom throughout all nations.
In Acts 2:42-47 the first church in Jerusalem models the way to function as a healthy, vibrant church. The results are shown in verse 47, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
In all we do, either in ministry or in service for our church, our message must be Biblical and our mission balanced. Each of the five New Testament purposes of the church must be in equilibrium for the health of our church to flourish.
These five purposes demonstrated in Acts 2:42-47 define why the church exists:
- Worship – The church exists to worship God. Through worship we grow stronger.
- Ministry – The church exists to minister to all people. Through ministry we grow broader.
- Discipleship – The church exists to edify and educate god’s people. Through discipleship we grow deeper.
- Fellowship – The church exists to provide fellowship for believers. Through fellowship we grow warmer.
- Evangelism – The church exists to communicate God’s Word. Through evangelism we grow larger.